Please help me to Do It For MS!
Next year, I'm taking on a big challenge—and I need your support! It all started when I watched my cousin and her husband’s film The Way My Way, about walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain. As I watched, I thought to myself, "One day, I'd love to do that." The very next day, I received an email from MS with an incredible opportunity to walk the Camino while raising funds for multiple sclerosis. The ‘Do it for MS’ is a cause that’s close to my heart, and when this opportunity presented itself, I knew I had to be part of this incredible adventure!
I'll be trekking 111 km over five days along the historic Camino route in Spain, and I’m thrilled to say that I'll be doing it alongside my sister Carrie. We’re both really looking forward to conquering this challenge together! This walk is already inspiring me to get fitter and lose weight—so it’s a journey of both body and heart!
As part of my main fundraising efforts, I’ll be holding a photography exhibition at Alby & Esthers next year. It’s a perfect opportunity to support this wonderful cause and take home some art at the same time—it’s a win-win!
MS is the most common disease of the central nervous system - currently there is no cure. It's quite staggering to think that multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other neurological condition, with the average age of diagnosis just 30 years old. Every case of multiple sclerosis is unique - the symptoms, severity and progress of the disease are different for everyone.
If you believe in coming together to make a difference and the value of supporting those in need, I’d love for you to join me on this journey. Your donation—big or small—will have a lasting impact on the lives of people living with MS.
Your generosity means the world to me! If you see me walking the streets around town, honk and give a wave! And stay tuned for more updates…
Thank you to my Sponsors

Lynch Building Group

Kelly Dray
My mum says thank you 🙏🏻

791 Estate

Carol And Ian
Go Amber and ? Is it Carrie or Lara will they have a donation page as well. Send lots of pictures please

Marianne Rodwell
Well done Amber!! Am a bit jealous

Peter Druitt

You got this, I’m really proud of you 😘

Tim And Carly Mcguire

Tania Mayson

What an incredible thing to do Amber and to raise money for such a worthy cause!

Good on you Amber! I hope it’s amazing!
Wishing you all the best Amber. Well done, such a great cause!