Please help me to Do It For MS!
I'm fundraising to ensure that no one has to face multiple sclerosis alone.
MS is the most common disease of the central nervous system - currently there is no cure.
It's quite staggering to think that multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other neurological condition, with the average age of diagnosis just 30 years old. Every case of multiple sclerosis is unique - the symptoms, severity and progress of the disease are different for everyone.
You can ensure Aussies living with multiple sclerosis can break down barriers, achieve goals and live well by making a secure online donation.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Ruth Lambert

Elizabeth Watson
Wonderful! I am all admiration. And MS is a fine and thoroughly deserving cause. Did my academic research on MS carers. Very moving. xx

Jo Munro
What a star you are Ruth - you do so much good wherever you go. And now this! Hope it's a wonderful experience for you.

Sharryn Ryan
Good on you Ruth: it will be a wonderful adventure xx

Barbara Guthrie

Anne Sheehan

Paula Mclean
Wishing you a wonderful adventure Ruth!

The Smith Family
Go Mumma & Nanna! Train well and travel safely. Love the Smiths xo

Susan & Georgia
Go girl. And thank you. We are with you every step of the way.

What a fantastic thing to do Ruth - I’m so thrilled for you. A pilgrimage like that is a profound thing on so many levels. May each step be hand in hand with Love.

Marilyn Hadfield
Great idea, Ruth!

Alison And Neil Dobbin
Ruth-wonderful cause and looking forward to hearing of your trek.

Go Ruthie!!! Admirable

Katy Brierley
We love you mum and nanna! Thank you for supporting this cause! Keep training xx

Deb Grahame

Janet Luxton
Go you. Very impressed you’re doing this trek.

Elizabeth Lee
You are such an inspiration Ruth! Buen camino.

Angela Bowne
This will be marvellous dear Ruth. Go girl!

Jennifer Mors
Well, done, dear Ruth. You are such a kind and gentle soul. I hope your journey is fulfilling. With Love

Pamela Ardler
May your faith light the way on your pilgrimage

Fulfilling a dream and supporting MS - a wonderful combination. Happy to support both dear Ruth.

Siobhan Bailie

Claire Lee
Great work Ruth!